The firm Harry Hetchin founded, Hetchins Lightweight Cycle Specialists, has been in continuous production since 1934; it currently trades under the name Hetchins Lightweights. It is managed by David Miller. New production or renovation:

Hetchins Lightweights are represented in USA by
Creekside Bikes, Parker CO:

Hetchins Lightweights are represented in Australia by:

The Hetchins Register is maintained by the Editor:

This web site is maintained independently of all commercial interests.
Contact this web site:

Link Disclaimer:
Das Landgericht (LG) Hamburg hat mit seinem Urteil vom 12. Mai 1998, 312 O 85/98, "Haftung für Links" entschieden, dass man durch die Anbringung eines Links die Inhalte der gelinkten Seite gegebenenfalls mit zu verantworten hat. Dies lehne ich kategorisch ab. Ich uebernehme die Verantwortung fuer meine eigene Web Site und sonst keine, genau wie jeder Autor der sein Buch mit Fussnoten oder eine Bibliografie versehen hat.
The State Court of Hamburg [the jurisdiction in which is registered], in a landmark miscarriage dated 12 May 1998, decreed that one can be held liable for the content of other web sites to which one's own web site is linked. The Editor categorically rejects this. If an author has footnotes or a bibliography in his book, no court of law holds him liable for the contents of the other books. The Editor is not responsible for the contents of other web sites.

Vintage & Restoration, General Interest Sites
<> Bike Lane
<> Sheldon Brown's enormous site(s)
<> Classic & Antique Bicycle Exchange (CABE) (vintage American)
<> Classic Lightweights (Cambridge VCC, UK and Italian makers)
<> (USA, huge range of vintage cycle features, forum)
<> Golden Age Cycles Gallery (Oxfordshire UK)
<> Jim Langly
<> Nationaal Fietsmuseum (NL)
<> Nostalgic Net (USA, vintage/antique parts & info)
<> Old School Cycles (1930s-70s British and French)
<> The Racing Bicycle, history of the sport, the machines, the people
<> Veteran Cycle Club (UK)
<> Vintage Bicycle, Vintage bicycle blog with particular interest in French touring bicycles, bespoke bicycle saddles and leatherwork.

Restoration Components, Spare Parts, Catalogs, Special Interest Sites
<> Atomic Zombie (USA, weird and wonderful human-powered vehicles, recumbents and DIY)
<> Bicycle Classics (USA, Campa & other vintage parts)
<> Bike Forums (includes Classic & Vintage section)
<> British Human Power(ed Vehicle) Club (mostly recumbants)
<> Campagnolo (I, the source)
<> Campy Oldy (vintage parts)
<> CRUD (San Francisco, Chopper-Riding Urban Dwellers; militant anti-motorists--let's hope they never grow up)
<> Cicli su Carta (I, Cycles on Paper, charcoal drawings, English/Italian)
<> Gabor Velo (Bern Switzerland, complete vintage bikes, parts)
<> Golden Age Cycles (UK, complete bikes, parts, renovation)
<> Harris Cyclery (USA, hard-to-find parts)
<> International Human Powered Vehicle Association (not just on the ground)
<> Lloyds (transfers, all marques)
<> Radsport Stiller (D, professional racing shop, parts, Campa, etc.)
<> Reynolds (the source; ever wonder how they butt tubes?)
<> SCUL (Boston, Subversive Chopper Urban Legion; militant anti-motorists--making spaceships out of bicycles)
<> Sideways Bicycle (ever wonder why snowboarding is not like cycling? It's in your ear!)
<> (NZ, race-bred cycle wear, new 50s- & 60s-style cycle clothing)
<> (CH, classic racing bikes, classy grafix)
<> TA Specialites (F, the source)
<> TA (historical)
<> Velo Orange (USA, sensible new parts, including e.g. TA compatible chainrings)
<> Velo-Retro (catalogs, invaluable source of Campa info)
<> Weight Weenies (what do those hi-tech components really weigh?)
<> The Wheelmen (American highwheelers to 1918)
<> Phil Wood (USA, the source)
<> World Naked Bicycle Ride (yup, two-wheel nudity--militant cyclists you could take a shine to)

Renovation & Respraying
<> Argos (Bristol, UK)
<> Bell's (UK)
<> Hetchins (UK)
<> Yellow Jersey (USA, dropout repairs, repositioning dropouts for indexing)

Specific Marques, current & vintage
<> Caminade/Caminargent (historical)
<> Carpenter (UK, historical)
<> Cinelli (I, the source)
<> Columbine (US, the source, new production)
<> Flying Gate (T J Cycles, UK, historical + new production)
<> Flying Scot (UK, historical)
<> Bob Jackson (Leeds, UK)
<> Rene Herse (F, historical)
<> Rene Herse (USA, new production)
<> Hill Special (UK, historical)
<> Holdsworth (incl. FH Grubb and Claud Butler, UK, historical)
<> Major Nichols (UK, historical)
<> Mercian Register (historical)
<> Peter Mooney (Boston, the source, new production)
<> Moulton (UK, the source)
<> Rivendell (USA, the source, new production)
<> Richard Sachs (USA, the source, new production)
<> Jack Taylor (UK, historical, incl. serial nr. registry)
<> Trek (USA, historical, incl. serial nr.s; very tasteful web design)

Intelligent Cycling Magazines
<> Bicycle Quarterly (USA)

Contact this web site:

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"The grain required to fill a 25-gallon SUV gas tank with ethanol will feed one person for a year. The grain it takes to fill the tank every two weeks over a year will feed 26 people."
--Lester R. Brown

|   Introduction   |   Editorial   |   The Hetchins Register  |

|   Restoration   |   Frame Identification (Serial Numbers)   |   The Various Models   |   Rare Models  |

|   Catalogs   |   Production History   |   Racing Heritage   |   Harry, Jack,& Alf   |   Special Features  |

|   Frame Components   |   Transfers   |   Lug Designs   |   Gallery  |

|   For Sale Used   |   New Production   |   Other Marques   |   Copycats  |

|   Contacts & Links   |   What's New   |  toc  |
