Ornamental tangs based on the fleurs-de-lys pattern were introduced along with the Latin Series of lugs in 1950. There were three basic patterns; they may appear almost anywhere in almost any combination.

There was also the question-mark pattern, most often seen on the Mag. Bonum, but also on some early Experto Credes and a few early Vade Mecums. These were used on fork crowns only.

scan of an actual blank

Short tang.

Medium tang.

scan of an actual blank

scan of an actual blank

Long tang.

1968 Mag.Bonum

Back-to-back shorties.

1977 MO

A typical brake bridge ornament.

MO Millennium

Brake bridge ornament on the MO Millennium.

The question-mark tang
(left and right sides reversed).

scan of an actual blank

1951 XC

The question-mark tang on an early Experto Crede.

2005 Earls Court Two XC

Any tang could be special ordered, as on this 2005 Earls Court model, reprised from a 1948 show bike.

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